Thursday, December 16, 2010


So i've just started the grand journey down the road to negative ten, and into the growing Concord Wanted List.

Having just joined a new corp, after leaving my previous nullsec corp (dull place, awesome people). I'm now officially a pirate, kinda.

I got my first real taste of the action out here just the other night. The alliance got word of an Eve Uni fleet scrubbing around in our pocket of space. A flash fleet was formed, and holy shit was it quick. in 5 minutes we had about 20+ people ready to go. We found out that E-uni were staging a gate camp only 2 jumps from where the majority of the fleet was. The fleet composed mainly of battlecruisers, cruisers and a few recon ships rolled out to the other side of the gate being camped. The entire fleet jumped through, onto a massive gatecamp of about 60 e-uni players, they were mainly in frigates and cruisers, with the odd heavier ship. A fleet of 20 pirates up against a fleet of 60 scrubs. They. Got. Hammered. T'was amazing, it was like 300 except smaller and spaceships. We got roughly 10 kills for 0 losses.

More big news this week(kinda), was all the juicy skillpoints we got back, on Pat I taught myself to use tech 2 lazorz and got 95% of the way through amarr cruiser, which was nice; Then on my two alts I got them both into Hulks, just need some rocks to mine now ;).

Thats it for the moment, hopefully i'll break -5 before this time next week.

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