Sunday, January 2, 2011

Moving, POS attacks and Leggin' It.

So, word got around the class four camp that we were to move out of our overly difficult class four wormhole, in a more logistically friendly class two wormhole, with static connections to hisec (oh joy!) and to class four space. The next few days consisted of me mainly helping mini refine the absolute assload of ore he'd mined, something like 4 million m3, and helping to take down the POS. That day I had started work at six AM but been awake from about four, helping to finish the sites still left in the wormhole. I left for work and got back about 5 and a half hours later, jumped back in the pod and kept killing sleepers with the europeans. After we'd finished the sites and a quick nap I started pulling down the pos with the help of an alliance orca pilot, I didnt totally finish, just left the hangar arrays and the guns up, till the day we'd move out. Later on that night Mini was on, finally, we were just chatting and talking about how awesome our new home is gunna be etc. etc. at around 11 or 12 pm, Mini was afk, but had left vent on and I went to bed, leaving Pat online inside the pos shields.

I'm laying in my bed watching some Family Guy or American Dad or something. I saw something strange come up on my overveiw in my second monitor, a yellow nametag. Then the next thing I heard was laser fire and my stomach hit the floor. Our pos was being attacked. Holy shit, I jumped out of my bed and onto vent screaming MINI OH FUCK MINI, I turned my outbound up to ten and screamed MINI YOU BETTER GET ON EVE RIGHT NOW, 10 seconds later mini was on eve asking what the fuck was happening, then saw that our pos was being demolished by a group of about 12 battleships from a c6 we'd previosuly scanned down. This was a mighty expensive fleet, consisting of navy geddons and apocs, to vindicators and RR domi's and a Machariel. Needless to say, Mini and myself went into damage control, loading as much of the mods and ships and other things we had laying around into our ships and the orca and got the hell away from the pos. Mini swapped one of his pilots into a cloaky helios and went to have a look at our pos, and their entrance to our system. Thier entry wormhole, which was brand new when we found it, was already below 75% mass and after they left it would have been pretty damn close to 25% so we figured, hey, they wont be coming back. Oh, how wrong were we.  After i'd woken up, the next day i get news that the same corp had come back and killed the same orca pilot who'd help me with taking down the pos. He'd been outside of his pos shield offlining and taking down guns when he got jumped my a fleet of about 7 or 8 pilots in recons and tech 3s and stuff like that and got promptly blown to smithereens. Huge shame because if he'd have had intel about the pos attack and the still open hole to the neighbouring class 6 hole of DOOOOOOOM. He wouldn't have been doing what he was.

Soon after I left the c4, and made my way to hisec, gathering my assets, bought a hulk and some ammo and some other things I wanted. Darius paid me my share of the wormhole loot, only 20mil short of another hulk. bugger.

A day or so later I got word of where our new wormhole system was, so i trucked all my alts out to the system and probed down the hole, I jumped Pat in, in his legion and had a poke around, no towers, no ships, nothing. Now that my spidey sense was tingling I jumped back out to the hisec system and sat around on the wormhole hoping someone who knew what was going on would point be in the right direction, but NO. I had some random guy pop up on my overview in an itty five talking to me as if he knew me, i double checked but he wasn't in any corp that our alliance is affiliated with. He opened a convo with me and told me that there was a no fire pact between our alliance and his corp. not being very trusting i asked him a few questions about what had happened. He told me that we had connecting wormholes and that Darius and crew had been hauling stuff out of there. This doesn't make any sense, i thought to myself. After some careful consideration i realized that darius must have told me the exit system of the class 4. bugger. Now I just have to wait for glorius leader Darius to come online so i can know the secrets of the wormhole.

May the Wormhole god fly with you always.

Monday, December 27, 2010


For Darius



Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Brings a Change

I'm in a wormhole now, a few friends convinced me to come join them in their c4 wormhole, along with my shiny new legion (Xmas present from mum) and my two other alts. Hopefully, when i'm not working so much i'll be mining and killing and building and inventing and shit. I'm really excited to finally be using all three of my characters properly. Soon, Wrong will be in an Orca and can already fly a Hulk and Ver is hulk able also. Pat being my combat, scanning alt.

On my first attempt to move shit into their wormhole, I just took Wrong through in a hulk, but fate had other plans. Mini was going to scout me and another bloke from the aliance through the few wormhole and lowsec jumps in his Proteus. Fate had other plans. On the very first fucking lowsec jump there was a Navy Issue Mega. Mini, in a lapse of judgement warped away from the gate before My hulk and the other guy's retreiver, and of course, being the juicy kill the hulk is, I got ganked. Like a boss, I went down in about four shots, which was fucking annoying, because now I can only afford one hulk, I'll probably have to steal Mini's Orca for a while :).

So now i'm just waiting for another exit to get scanned down so I can bring in Veraldi and Wrong alongside Pat. I've got two haulers full of stuff ready to rock, And mine rocks. (haw haw haw).

Not much else to say, Xmas was nice, just stayed at home with mum and dad, got a new monitor and some boss as fuck speakers for my car.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I just got my final school results back today; I did pretty well. I'm going to assume most of you guys won't know how the Australian (specifically the Queensland) systems works, but i got an overall position of 10 out of 25, one being the best. So in essence, i got a b/b+ so I'm happy. In other news my motherfucking monitor died on me 'cause of a power surge, lucky it's so close to Christmas.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


So i've just started the grand journey down the road to negative ten, and into the growing Concord Wanted List.

Having just joined a new corp, after leaving my previous nullsec corp (dull place, awesome people). I'm now officially a pirate, kinda.

I got my first real taste of the action out here just the other night. The alliance got word of an Eve Uni fleet scrubbing around in our pocket of space. A flash fleet was formed, and holy shit was it quick. in 5 minutes we had about 20+ people ready to go. We found out that E-uni were staging a gate camp only 2 jumps from where the majority of the fleet was. The fleet composed mainly of battlecruisers, cruisers and a few recon ships rolled out to the other side of the gate being camped. The entire fleet jumped through, onto a massive gatecamp of about 60 e-uni players, they were mainly in frigates and cruisers, with the odd heavier ship. A fleet of 20 pirates up against a fleet of 60 scrubs. They. Got. Hammered. T'was amazing, it was like 300 except smaller and spaceships. We got roughly 10 kills for 0 losses.

More big news this week(kinda), was all the juicy skillpoints we got back, on Pat I taught myself to use tech 2 lazorz and got 95% of the way through amarr cruiser, which was nice; Then on my two alts I got them both into Hulks, just need some rocks to mine now ;).

Thats it for the moment, hopefully i'll break -5 before this time next week.